
Sunday, July 8, 2012

How To Grow Cactus

How to grow
The first step is to buy seeds to plant cactus cactus healthy. A healthy cactus thorns are perfect (nothing is broken), the stems are not bruised, and the direction perpendicular to the growth (not tip-tilted and balanced). You can buy in stores cactus plants-nursery or nursery nearby. Purchase seeds at least 3 months old.

Once you get the best candidate cactus, plant it in soil media chaff or sandy soil. If you buy the kind of tall cactus like Cerevius, then the size of the pot to plant your plants should be as high as ½. If you buy a round as Echinocactus trunked cactus or cactus such as Opuntia thin trunked, then try to pot plant 5-10 cm in diameter larger than the size of your cactus.

Before planting, make sure that like any good potting soil that you provide are in a dry state. Then, spray the pot with a disinfectant to ward off the source of illness that may arise. Do the planting in the usual way, make sure the compressed soil and roots is completely immersed well.

REMEMBER: wait a week before the first watering. This is done because most types of cactus have a dormancy period in which he does not need water. Provision of water immediately after planting only cactus will cause root decay. In addition, do pot or soil replacement at regular intervals once every 1 year.

Generally, there are two types of cactus is a cactus plant that likes sun or vice versa, cactus-like dark places. Do not forget to ask the kind where you currently buy cactus plants in the nursery. Both types do not need a temperature of strange really. Our country's climate is suitable for the growth of cactus. You just remember this: When it's dry too long left out of the house, when frequent rains move to avoid the rain. Cactus deaths are often caused due to decomposition by rain.

Anyway, the temperature is too high or low can cause the cactus berdormansi. If you're berdormansi, he would stop growing for a while. You certainly do not want your cactus pygmy, is not it? So closely-watched season cermatlah when growing cactus in the house.

In the first weeks after planting, do not directly under the sun to dry the cactus. After planting, place under the shade, or shadow. Only later, at regular intervals to move to a brighter place. If the newly planted directly when you dry in the sun, then you can burn the cactus. If you planted the seeds of cactus in the house, then make sure the air circulation inside the house is always good to support the growth of cactus. Not difficult, not to plant a cactus?

Aglaonema plant

Aglaonema, also known by the name of sri is a member of the family Araceae fortune, one group with the taro plant. Leaves of ornamental plants has 40 species, three of which are a favorite ornamental plant lovers is Aglaonema costatum, Aglaonema modestum, and Aglaonema crispum. Aglaonema found growing naturally in tropical countries such as in Southeast Asia, India, and China.

Their natural habitats are swamps and rain forests. Sri fortune was among the herbaceous plants that can grow to a height of 20-150 cm. The leaves are arranged alternately on the stem, round-oval, and has a variety of colors from red to white-green. The sap of some species have toxic Aglaonema. The toxins can cause skin irritation and inflammation of the lips, tongue, throat if swallowed. Aglaonema are very popular as an ornamental plant because the plant has a fairly high tolerance for a variety of environments and easily grown.

These plants can adapt to different light intensities, does not require extra attention in the harsh treatment, and have relatively high resistance to pests. Much of Asia (including China, Thailand, and Indonesia) believe that Aglaonema can bring good luck and fortune. Aglaonema has some pretty interesting variants such as snow white, legacy, cochine, lipstick, and thistle. Snow white is a variant of sri fortune that has the characteristics of white leaves with green motifs are spread evenly over the surface.

Legacy has green leaves with shades of red dominance following the line leaves the bones. Meanwhile, have a pattern of red lipstick around the edges of the leaves (so as to wear lipstick lips). Cochine a fortune sri-leaved red or copper color.

Aglaonema floristry

You can cultivate by growing Aglaonema cob. Of the hump you can get 2-3 new tillers. After 6 months, you can separate the new puppy from its mother. Tips for Aglaonema breeding more quickly is to cut shoots.

This technique stimulates the parent plant to remove the new shoots. From one piece top, you can get a new puppy again 2-3. Tillers of the top piece can be used as seed after it has 5-7 leaves. If you use these two methods at once, then from one plant you can get a new fortune sri 5-6 puppies.

If you want to shoot a maximum cutting results, choose an adult who has a 8-10 Aglaonema leaves. Condition of the parent plant should be healthy with fresh mature leaves of criteria and sturdy, while the young leaves did not shrink. Also have strong roots with the criteria of a white, fat, and no foul. Prior to cutting the top, you should bury the stem deeper into the soil up to 8-10 cm.

Frequency of fertilizer application may also be increased 2-3 weeks before cutting the top. If you usually give fertilizer 1 x week, before the deduction is doubled to 2 x week.
How to do the cutting tip is as follows:
• Prepare to poke the knife and tool
• Matches the media to see the condition of the roots (remember the criteria for strong roots!)
• Cut the stems of Aglaonema and leave a leaf on a plant stem weevil, which is intended to keep the parent plant can photosynthesize to produce food, so the new shoots that emerge will be large
• In the section cut, either on the stump of the remaining pieces are also on the top, basting with antiseptic (betadine or a mixture of betel nut +) to close the wound
• Planting the top piece of ground in a mixture of chaff media, poor sand, humus ANDAM, and ferns (ratio 1:5:2:2 respectively)
• Sprinkle on a regular basis, and put in the shade
• The new shoots will appear within 1 month

Chicks that you would get from the top is not necessarily the result of cutting has roots. When you move the seedlings Aglaonema that do not have strong roots then use the plastic wrap method. Planting new seedlings in the pot, then made of clear plastic lid.

Thus, the containment of high humidity (up to 80%), the temperature remains stable. This allows an increase in metabolic rate so that the roots grow faster. The roots will appear after 3 weeks disungkup and ready to be moved out. Clear plastic lid can also be replaced by a transparent tube of plastic material if possible. Plastic tubing is more durable than ordinary clear plastic because it will not tear.

How To Plant a Flower Adenium

Generally, any type of Adenium is a plant that grows well in tropical climates, soils berhumus, the influence of the sun shade. This means that these plants would be best if grown in pots in the house or greenhouse, and will grow better in the shade (not directly exposed to the sun). It is therefore very suitable Adenium plants if used as a bonsai.

The easiest Adenium Adenium obesum is planted. This species has branching winding shore leaves are shiny green. Cup-shaped flowers with striking colors like red, shocking pink, orange, sometimes white. Adenium obesum desperately need warm temperatures in the growth (which is easily available in tropical countries like Indonesia) and will not be resistant to low temperatures (eg due to rain). These plants were grown in the dry season match.

You can buy seeds Adenium in the nursery, nursery plants that exist in your city, and then start planting. Adenium can also be planted by cutting the roots of vegetative shoots. Arabicum Adenium Adenium is a hero in Indonesia. Variations of this plant are very much with different titles such as pan ra chine dock, Yemen highlands, diamond crown, Arabicum pagodas, golden crown, and so forth. One type is quite popular (especially by the businessmen of ornamental plants) is a golden crown. Characteristic of the golden crown that makes it so beautiful is the width and canopy hump that forms the angle of 900.

Adenium planting a golden crown Arabicum variant is tricky and takes patience. First, you must select the seeds that have the stump of a balanced prop up the branches, with a minimum length of 4-5 cm bulbs. Then, choose seeds that have a balanced branching on each side, so that the crown shape that you want to create a well. Have a nice golden crown in the center of the main branches that grow straight up, and several other branches around it.

Once you find the right seed, move the seedlings into a new pot with new soil. When planting, make sure you adjust the position of the young seedling roots with balanced in all directions. It is intended that when mature, the root of your beautiful golden crowns around the cob. Expand the root of Adenium seeds so that an angle of ± 800 cob, then piled with ground and pressed-press to firmly support your new seedlings.

Stockpiles of soil should be formed as a mountain with a peak Adenium seeds. Forms will be easier for roots to grow sideways, toward the side of the hump. You must diligently replace the soil every three months, as well as rearranging your plants roots.

How to take care Adenium Flowers

Taking care of ornamental plants such as Adenium requires three key; patience, persistence, thoroughness. All types of Adenium is very dependent on good lighting and regular watering. They do require a shady area, but good lighting should still be there, especially if they were grown in a greenhouse. Adenium will thrive if watered regularly, but you must be smart to know when the dormancy of these plants.

In the phase of dormancy, it is not okay for you to leave it without water, because this plant is being "asleep". When do the watering, do not you give too much water. Excess water can cause the collapse of the leaf Adenium. If you use the sprayer in watering plants, spray 3-4 times is a sufficient amount. A good fertilizer is used to treat Adenium is a liquid fertilizer should be given at least 2 times a year.

Generally, any type of Adenium should be set roots and the soil replaced every two years. Even though in some particular variants of land needed change more often, as in variant golden or diamond crown. Substitution of this land is important, to control the growth of mildew or the presence of nests of small beetle that attacks the tubers and roots like Adenium. Adenium is planted in small pots can reach a height of 13 cm, with a stump diameter of 8 cm.

Activities that are quite exciting in the care of Adenium are now set up branches form, especially if yours is a variant Adenium golden or diamond crown. One of the most commonly used to form the branching pattern is to use the wire and the help of sunlight. To form a symmetrical branching, you just need twiddling pot, make the short branch to get the most sunlight, so long as a branch on the other side.

It is advisable to use gloves when handling Adenium, Adenium sap contains a substance as a toxin that can cause irritation on sensitive skin can also cause indigestion if accidentally swallowed.

Adenium floristry 2012

Adenium is a plant that is relatively easy to breed. There are two ways of breeding Adenium; generative and vegetative. Generative proliferation can do by using seeds Adenium. To get the seeds Adenium, you must wrap the fruits of Adenium with plastic.

You need to know that the fruit Adenium is a type of fruit dehiscent, meaning that when the fruit is ripe will burst ejects its seeds. Therefore, it is important to wrap the first fruits of it with plastic when it has not been plucked from the tree. Adenium fruit begins to grow when the flowers bloom a month old, and within 3-4 months of this fruit to ripen. So you can begin to wrap these fruits mature 2-3 weeks before period. When ripe, the seeds of Adenium will be collected in plastic. Then, collect the seeds to dry.

Once dry, the seeds you plant may soon return. Disadvantages of generative way of breeding is the time it takes a while for new adult Adenium start flowering when he was 6 months. You can do vegetative propagation by cuttings or grafts. There are several advantages of vegetative propagation in Adenium, among others: You can select a character or flower bulbs are good, easier to collect seeds, and plants not susceptible to the virus.

Meanwhile, the downside is you'll be hard to guess what you as an adult form of Adenium. Grafting is usually done is to graft on the branching stems and tubers. You can use a plastic bag and tape to wrap the graft, then wait until the package is enlarged. If you look bigger, which means that you have grown grafts produce a new puppy, and you can open the plastic wrap.

If you are grafting on the stump, then do not forget to coat the plastic with carbon paper (or newspaper if you do not have carbon paper), so that the bulbs are not burned by the sun. The time needed for the transplant only 2-4 weeks to produce new tillers. The new seedlings must be grown in the shade because the puppies are still resistant to direct sunlight.

When you decide to grow Adenium, you must have an adequate supply of seeds. The meaning here Adenium seeds are puppies that have had weevil, which has been grown for 9 months. The advantage of seeds is the optimal growth so that as adults will be healthier and stronger plants. This seedling was strong enough if you want to transplanting.

Adenium in cultivation, do not hesitate to give fertilizer at the nursery. With intensive fertilizer, seeds you can mature up to 3 months earlier than seeds without fertilizer.

Red Roses are beautiful

Flowers are synonymous with the color red is often used as an expression of love. Rose does have a beautiful flower, but unfortunately it has sharp spines that can make your hands bleed. Every rose has a different, better color, composition, size, height, and number of thorns.

But what exactly is the rose? Of the biological sciences can be said that a rose is a plant of the order Rosanales. Roses always bloom endlessly both during summer and winter, even for four seasons in the country were still roses blooming lot. But we must also take good care remain even though the actual care of roses is easy.

Rose is also an annual plant that is enough to buy one but your roses can grow for decades. Along with the development and advancement of science now has the diversity of rose colors, including blue, pink, yellow, white, purple, black, which is said to have its own meaning.

Has many varieties of roses that cause people to call the Rosaceae. By its nature a rose is divided into four groups: shrubs planted on the fence, dwarf roses grown in pots, tree roses, and roses are growing liana vine.

Rose flower is safe for consumption because it has many benefits and efficacy. In the interest is contained substances that serve to increase endurance, serves as an antiseptic, as well as a killer fungus that causes vaginal discharge. Besides roses have a fragrant aroma that can be used as aromatherapy to soothe the mind and soul as well as perfume.